Monday, November 12, 2007

Why Fall is my Favorite Season

Holy Cow! Has it really been over a year since my last post? Well, meeting the girl of your dreams, proposing, starting a new job, moving to a new apartment, getting married, and moving Cindy's stuff to the new apartment can take up a bit of one's time. Also, Cindy and I are putting up a new website of our own, where my blogs (which will be much more frequently updated) will live. But that's not what this post is about...

Fall is definitely my favorite season. I love to camp, hike and bike, and the fall is just the best time of the year to do that. It’s dryer than spring, cooler than summer, and the colors are, of course, a visual feast. Plus, I actually enjoy winter and cold temperatures when you have to get all bundled up, so fall is the time when that is coming, but it’s not quite so cold that you can’t spend the day outside. I think it’s mostly about the colors, though. Especially if you happen to visit a lake and see the trees all around the shore reflected in the water. Finally, if spring is the season of new birth, then fall is the season of life receding. It’s not as if the natural world dies for the winter, but it retracts. And it does so with such glory and grace in the changing of the leaves. It’s nature’s last big show before the off season, and it’s a spectacular one.

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